
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree - Walmart Blow Mold Edition
Whether you’re a fan of the vintage blow molds or the new ones, this is really an exciting year. One especially hard to find blow mold is the Holiday Time Blowmold C9 Christmas Tree, a super-size blow mold version of the vintage ceramic tree so many have loved for generations (Retail $69).
Today, my Blow Mold Christmas tree arrived and below is a description of the tree and what I discovered when unpacking it for the first time.

Christmas is Here! (and Target Blow Molds Too)
Twas the 19th of September and through every street, Collectors are hurriedly shuffling their feet.
Checking the stores to see if they scored, The new blow molds out there, the ones we must hoard...
What a great year to be a blow mold collector! As you have probably seen, there are new molds all over the place this year, and plenty of 2019 molds available again from the usual suspects like Menards & Lowe’s.
A few days ago, I noticed Target was releasing some smaller Blow Mold figurines & decided to place an order. Here are a few things I noticed about them, to help you decide if you "need" some for your own collection.

The Grinch is Here!
Menards has jumpstarted the Christmas Holiday decorating season by releasing their coveted Grinch Lighted Yard Decor blow mold figure already.
This year, the stores I checked are showing 20 in stock, in addition to the reserves at the distribution centers. So what does that all add up to? Over 3,000 new Grinches this year. Minimum.

Christmas in July, er August!
Welcome to the Blow Mold accessory and replacement parts store!
This effort is truly a labor of love, born from collecting hundreds of blow molds for personal enjoyment. I really hope our effort can help you enjoy your own collecting and holiday displays a bit more by maybe helping you to put things out you haven't been able to for years, or finding discarded pieces that can be made whole again.
Blog posts

Take your Blow Mold display to the Max!

Blow Mold FAQs: What Kind of Light Bulb Should I Use?

I Wanna Llama (and you will too)
It is less than 140 days until Christmas. Have you made your Blow Mold wish list yet?
If prior seasons are any indication, many of these New Blow Molds may be available only sparingly or regionally. At this time, we are attempting to get confirmation on a few of the ones we think will be the most popular. Still, we wanted to share with you as soon as we discovered what may be coming to a Lowe’s near you this fall.
At the BlowMoldStore, we’re huge Blow Mold fans, just like you, so we’re sharing what we know about what we can hope to find in the stores this season. If you want these new molds though, you’ll have to find them at Lowe’s, just like we do.
In the meantime, you may want to get a 2nd or 3rd job and save your pennies, as this season is shaping up to be an expensive one! Well done Lowe’s, and remember, keep it civil out there.

Twas 22 Nights Before Christmas…
In 2020, we had a special surprise involving 25,000 lights, the beloved Christmas Clark, Hybrid Detroit Muscle, and some special antlers for thier Blow Mold Reindeer… While we didn't get a Vacation, Here’s how it all went down: