New Replacement Nose for Santa's Best 35" Large Tigger Blow Mold
Product description
This is a replacement nose for the larger 35” tall Santa's Best Tigger Blow Mold based on the Winnie the Pooh characters (nose only). This nose was expertly modeled from the original, is a two piece design with mounting clip, just like the original, and will make your Tigger whole again!
For the Tigger blowmold originally from Santa's Best, this replacement nose is reproduced to exacting standards to provide the best quality and longest lasting color consistency. It is 3" wide, 2.5" tall, and over 1" deep (not including the bracket) just like the original. I'm confident this will bring your Tigger's sense of smell back for years to come!
This is for the replacement nose and pronged mounting clip only. Tigger himself, light cord, socket, or other accessories not included. (We do also produce an orange back plate available under the "Replacement Back Plate Light Plate for Santa's Best Blow Molds" listing sold separately.)

New Replacement Nose for Santa's Best 35" Large Tigger Blow Mold